Three-Channel Dash Cam with 32GB SD Card


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Vid S. commented 5 months ago. Hi there, what is the warranty on this product? In case something was to go wrong then how do we return it?
Summer Wan from Willway Technology commented 5 months ago. Hi,

Due to being an overseas supplier, we are currently unable to provide warranty services. But if there are any problems with the product usage in the first three months, you can provide us with a video of the product usage, and we will provide replacement or refund services.

Have a lovely day!
Summer Wan from Willway Technology commented 4 months ago. Hi,

Have a lovely day.
Can you take a look at the user manual first? Or do you inform us of the specific problems you encounter during assembly?

The discussion for this deal is closed. Please contact the helpdesk for any urgent enquiries.