Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Box


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Sophia Moon commented over 5 years ago. Hi there,
I am trying to reduce/eliminate plastic from all of my purchases. Can you confirm whether the produce comes wrapped in plastic and is the box plastic?
Kind regards,
Emma from GrabOne Store commented over 5 years ago. Hey Sophia!

I'm just looking at the images of the deal at is looks like some items do come in bags, and some just loose produce.

The Riverside Orchards Team will be online soon however to provide some more details for you :)
Paul Wycherley from Riverside Orchards commented over 5 years ago. It is no problem to pack without the plastic and the produce comes in a cardboard box
Riverside only uses plastic to keep small items togeather
Emma from GrabOne Store commented over 5 years ago. That's great Paul; thanks for that!

Please just give the team a call after purchase Sophia on (06) 326 8800 to ensure all packaging is removed for your order :)
Linda DC commented over 5 years ago. HI there - what is the expiry date - when must the voucher be redeemed by?
Emma from GrabOne Store commented over 5 years ago. Hey Linda; hope you had a great long weekend!

Just to confirm that this isn't a voucher deal; you just click Buy and enter your address details, and the box will be delivered to you within 10 days :)

The discussion for this deal is closed. Please contact the helpdesk for any urgent enquiries.