Berry Park Pikler Kids Play Equipment Range - Option for Arch or Triangle in Two Sizes


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genevra mayle commented over 2 years ago. Does it fold up? Is the ramp included? I couldnt find anything on it? Thank you!
Louise from GrabOne Store commented over 2 years ago. Thanks for your post Genevra! The team at Babyonline will be online shortly to assist. Thanks!
Yoomi Clarkson commented over 2 years ago. Hello, wondering what the dimensions are - do the two longer measurements refer to the lenth of each side and the shorter measurement refer to the length between the two sides when unfolded? How tall is it when set up?
Louise from GrabOne Store commented over 2 years ago. Thanks for your post Yoomi, Babyonline will be online shortly to advise. :)

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