50 Plant-Based Compostable Caffesso Coffee Pods - Two Blends Available


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Jonny Smith commented over 4 years ago. Hi there, can you please confirm if these are compostable in a home garden compost?

Most 'compostable' plastics will only biodegrade in specialised commercial composting facilities. Most households in New Zealand do not have access to these facilities via their standard City Council waste pickups, resulting in these materials going to landfill. Compostable Plastics will not biodegrade in landfill conditions.

Madeleine from GrabOne Store commented over 4 years ago. Hi Jonny, the mycoffeecapsules team will be online soon to answer your query :)
Steve Lewis from My Coffee Capsules NZ commented over 4 years ago. Hi Jonny, this ones need to go to a commercial composting facility, there is not enough heat in a home one to break them down.
Madeleine from GrabOne Store commented over 4 years ago. Thank you for the update Steve!

The discussion for this deal is closed. Please contact the helpdesk for any urgent enquiries.