Olive Black Extra Virgin Olive Oil Range - Five Options Available


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Emma from GrabOne Store commented over 5 years ago. Hi Everyone; please let us know if you have any specific questions on these products and the merchant will be happy to jump online and help you :)
Ranbir Singh commented over 5 years ago. This is not 60% discount. That selling 500ml oil for $35 on their website. At 60% It should be $14 but selling it for $27.00. Is something wrong
Emma from GrabOne Store commented over 5 years ago. Good Morning Ranbir; it's great to see you are looking at this great offer from our friends at Olive Black Ltd.

There are different options on this deal with varying levels of discount.

The two pack of Chilli Oils are listed on this deal for $20, instead of the $50 that you would pay direct to the merchant; so this is a 60% saving on this option.

Hope that helps :)

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