$65 to Pick Up A Dozen Red Roses for Valentine's Day or $80 for Auckland Urban Delivery (value up to $125)


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Milika Underwood commented over 8 years ago. Hello. Valentines Day is on Sunday so there should be good traffic flow around Auckland. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee time deliveries due to volume. Thank you.
Milika Underwood commented over 8 years ago. Thanks for that.
Milika Underwood commented over 8 years ago. All sorted guys. This deal is for Auckland delivery only. Have a great afternoon.
Milika Underwood commented over 8 years ago. Don't forget to email these details:
Recipient Name
Thank you
Ken Morgan commented over 8 years ago. How much extra for delivery to titirangi?
David Coutts commented over 8 years ago. hi Ken,
Thanks for your interest in this deal :)
Our merchant will be online shortly to answer your question.
The GrabOne Team !
Milika Underwood commented over 8 years ago. Hello Ken. If it is in the Titirangi town area it is okay. If it is rural then an extra $10 required but you can call us and pay the extra if required. Email me the street address then I can confirm?

The discussion for this deal is closed. Please contact the helpdesk for any urgent enquiries.