One-Shoulder Messenger Bag - Four Colours Available with Free Delivery


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Catherine Lipski commented over 5 years ago. I am still waiting for my 2 cross body bags these were ordered on March 14. When will they be delivered
Emma from GrabOne Store commented over 5 years ago. So sorry to hear this Catherine! We've popped you through an email just now to follow up on this :)
Catherine Lipski commented over 5 years ago. So what exactly is grab one doing for me? I reported this matter last month and heard t
From you that you could not make contact with the firm. Why then are you still using them? I however posted as I am doing now and had a reply and an apology but I am still waiting. So where do I go from here I've paid my money but have no product and while getting emails is often useful at present they show no progress.
Emma from GrabOne Store commented over 5 years ago. Hi Catherine; an email was sent through to you earlier this morning offer the option of a refund, or for the team to continue following up on this issue on your behalf with the merchant. If you could please reply to that email with your preference we'll look to try and sort this for you as soon as possible :)

The discussion for this deal is closed. Please contact the helpdesk for any urgent enquiries.