Premium Gin, Malibu or Cuban Rum - Eight Options Available


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Andre Fernandes commented over 4 years ago. How long will the order take ?
Emma from GrabOne Store commented over 4 years ago. Hey Andre; the delivery time frame is within 7 days of purchase. Please note this product has been classified as an essential item, and can be delivered during level 4 lockdown. Please be aware there may be delivery delays
Jasmine Fisher commented over 4 years ago. I have ordered three bottles with a delivery date of 18 April - of which I have not yet received. I have tried phoning you directly, but only go through to a recording. I can also not get through to Grabone either. I understand that it's a busy time, but its now over two weeks past the expected date of delivery and would like to know when I will receive, if ever.

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