The Protrain Electric Treadmill - Three Sizes Available


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Lynette Humphrey commented over 5 years ago. Hi. Do any of the treadmills have a pause option?
Emma from GrabOne Store commented over 5 years ago. Hey Lynette; the TSB Living Team will be online soon to help you :)
Lynette Humphrey commented over 5 years ago. Thank you. waiting for response.
Emma from GrabOne Store commented over 5 years ago. We've followed this up for you Lynette; and should have some more details shortly :)
sana Zahara commented over 5 years ago. Hi Lynette, sorry for the delay in getting back, these treadmills have a standard time setting which can be altered to your requirement, they also have a safety magnet which is connected to your wrist or clothing to stop the treadmill if required, no pause button directly to stop and resume. Regards

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