Electric Cordless Water Flosser with Replacement Nozzles - Three Colours Available & Option for Two-Pack


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Maxine Ma commented over 2 years ago. Hi there, does it come with a charger, or charging cable? Thanks!
Donya from GrabOne Store commented over 2 years ago. Hi there, thank you for your post! Yes, the item will come with a USB charger. Thanks! :)
Bruce Moody commented over 2 years ago. Hi, what brand is this? It might be on the handle, but I can't read it there.
Donya from GrabOne Store commented over 2 years ago. Hi there, thanks for your post! This is sold by Dealimpact! :) Thanks!
Anne Ling from Dealimpact commented over 2 years ago. Hi, they are non-branded. Please let us know if there are any questions. Thank you!

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