$44 for 120 Perfetto Coffee Pods Compatible with Nespresso® Machines - Three Flavours Available (value $118)


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Dean Alexander commented over 7 years ago. What are the best before dates for each flavour?
Dean Alexander commented over 7 years ago. What are the best before dates for each flavour?
Dean Alexander commented over 7 years ago. What are the best before dates for each flavour?
Zoey Caldwell commented over 7 years ago. Hi are your pods recyclable?
Zoey Caldwell commented over 7 years ago. Hi are your pods recyclable?
George Stevenson from Perfetto NZ commented over 7 years ago. Hello Dean, BB dates for all varieties are February 2018. Thanks

George Stevenson from Perfetto NZ commented over 7 years ago. Hello Zoey, our pods are made of BPA free polypropylene, which is recyclable. For this the coffee should be removed (which can be used for compost) and ideally the foil lid should also be removed. Thanks

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