From $19.99 for a Box of 12 Sun Power Protein Bars - Available in a Variety of Flavours & Sizes


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Annemarie Caister commented over 8 years ago. It is not possible to click on more than one option when ordering. How do we order a few flavours and combine postage?
David Coutts commented over 8 years ago. Hi Annemarie,

If you select your option and then click "Buy", this should take you through to the Cart page. Once you're on the Cart page, if you just jump back into the deal by clicking on the name of the product (for example, "12x 32g Choc Cherry Bars - Urban Delivery"), you should then be able to add another product to the same cart.

If you have any further issues, or need some assistance with purchasing I'd recommend touching base with our Helpdesk team on 0800 4722663.
David Coutts commented over 8 years ago. Hi Annemarie,

Sorry, I forgot to mention - to take advantage of the combined postage, you need to make sure that you're selecting the same product for purchase. For example, if you got two Cookies and Cream Urban Delivery this would be $5, but if you got two of two different flavours, the cost would be $8.
Yasmin Green commented over 8 years ago. Hi there, so there's no chocolate flavour only option with 32g? Are they not made or just not available? Cheers
Yasmin Green commented over 8 years ago. sorry one more question - the protein blend, is that whey + soy in every bar flavour?
David Coutts commented over 8 years ago. Hi Yasmin,
Thanks for your interest in this deal :)
Our merchant will be online shortly to answer your question.
The GrabOne Team !
Emma Naidu commented over 8 years ago. Can you provide the full nutritional information for each flavour please?
David Coutts commented over 8 years ago. Hi Emma,
Thanks for your interest in this deal :)
Our merchant will be online shortly to answer your question.
The GrabOne Team !
Morgan Perry from Limitless Supplements commented over 8 years ago. Hi Emma Naidu
Would you mind emailing me at [email protected] and I will email back all the nutritional panels for you.
Morgan Perry from Limitless Supplements commented over 8 years ago. Hi Yasmin
Yes the bars have both whey and soy protein in them.
Morgan Perry from Limitless Supplements commented over 8 years ago. Hi Yasmin
We don't have a plain choc in the 32g, just a Choc Fudge.

The discussion for this deal is closed. Please contact the helpdesk for any urgent enquiries.