$9 for a 3-in-1 Car Organiser


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Huia commented over 8 years ago. Hi ya I purchased one of these today but it looks like I bought two. How do I cancel one?
Fiona Blackmore commented over 8 years ago. I'm confused...'Auckland Delivery' is sold out, but I can still select North Island? (for twice the delivery cost). This doesn't make sense; either the deal is still available or it isn't, surely?
David Coutts commented over 8 years ago. Hi Huia,
I'll contact you directly to discuss this.

Hi Fiona,
The Auckland Delivery option had sold out - I've transferred some stock from North and South Island Delivery so people can purchase. If you do ever find that a particular option is sold out and you're still really keen to get it, feel free to give us a call on 0800 4722663 and we'll do everything we can to get that sorted out for you.

The discussion for this deal is closed. Please contact the helpdesk for any urgent enquiries.