$29 for 8kg of Mixed Box of Plums, Apples & Pears incl. North Island Urban Delivery


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John Casey commented over 7 years ago. Hi I've just ordered this fruit, the page says it will be delivered within 10 days (todays 25 Feb) but the coupon says expected delivery is 14 March...which is much longer.?
Emma from GrabOne Store commented over 7 years ago. Hey John,
Thank you for contacting us regarding the delivery date of your GrabOne purchase.

We apologise for any confusion caused by this situation.

Our system sends out a confirmation email of each purchase, and automatically generates a delivery date for your purchase. The delivery date is calculated on the end date of the deal PLUS the delivery timeframe in days.

Please rest assured, we have confirmed with the merchant and your purchase will be delivered within ten days :)

Again, we apologise for any confusion.

The discussion for this deal is closed. Please contact the helpdesk for any urgent enquiries.