$19.90 for a Colourful Fabric Round Foot Stool – Available in Four Colours


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Jenny Chen commented over 7 years ago. Hi, upon reviewing my art it is showing $18 for delivery rather than the $6 for nationwide as stated in Conditions: "$6.00 extra for Nationwide delivery for any number of purchases of the same option (up to the purchase limit)"
Jenny Chen commented over 7 years ago. *cart
Emma from GrabOne Store commented over 7 years ago. Hey Jenny!
Just checking this out now :)
Jenny Chen commented over 7 years ago. Okay, so I had another look and it seems choosing two different colours means I pay two delivery fees but it's $3+$6 each and not actually $6 each
Emma from GrabOne Store commented over 7 years ago. Hey Jenny,
There was an error in the deal copy in regard to these costs which have been updated now. The correct delivery costs are below:

"Auckland delivery: Pay $6.00 extra for delivery for the first item and $3 for each subsequent purchase of the same option. Nationwide incl. Rural delivery: Pay $9.00 extra for delivery for the first item and $3 for each subsequent purchase of the same option. "
Emma from GrabOne Store commented over 7 years ago. Hey Tasha - sounds like you may have received an incorrect product.

Our Support Team will be in touch soon to help you with this :)

The discussion for this deal is closed. Please contact the helpdesk for any urgent enquiries.