$169 for an Eight-Foot Trampoline


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Anna Dobbs commented over 7 years ago. Hi, Just wondering what maximum weight total can be supported by this tramp at any one time? Thank you
Emma from GrabOne Store commented over 7 years ago. Morning Anna!
Just checking this out with the merchant now :)
Jing Wang from Turoos Trampolines commented over 7 years ago. Hi,the maximum weight for this trampoline is 150KG.
Anna Dobbs commented over 7 years ago. Thank you!
Emma from GrabOne Store commented over 7 years ago. Thank Team :)
Michelle Feisst commented over 7 years ago. Hi there, can you please confirm whether this comes with a ladder, and if not, how do we purchase one, and what is the cost? Thanks
Jing Wang from Turoos Trampolines commented over 7 years ago. Hi,this trampoline including a ladder.

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