$19 for a Guitar Stand, $29 for Two or $49 for Four with Free Shipping (value up to $219.80)


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Joyce Zhong commented over 7 years ago. Hi service provider,

I got a message saying my purchase Expected delivery date: Wed, Dec 14, 2016. Does this mean the product will be sent to us on that day from wherever? If so, there will be a possibility of receiving the product after Xmas. Since I bought this as a Xmas gift, we do not want a delay of receiving this product. Can you please confirm if my understanding is correct? if so, can we please have it sent to us at an early date to avoid any delays.

Thanks and regards
Emma from GrabOne Store commented over 7 years ago. Hi Joyce!
Thank you for contacting us regarding the delivery date of your GrabOne purchase.
We apologise for any confusion caused by this situation.
Our system sends out a confirmation email of each purchase, and automatically generates a delivery date for your purchase. The delivery date is calculated on the end date of the deal PLUS the delivery timeframe in days.
Please rest assured, we have confirmed with the merchant and your purchase will be delivered within the 14 day time frame stated on the deal :)

Again, we apologise for any confusion.

The discussion for this deal is closed. Please contact the helpdesk for any urgent enquiries.