$129.99 for a Kids' 2016 Bike with Training Wheels & Options for Helmets – Two Colours with Free Shipping


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Bonnie Slater commented over 7 years ago. Can you please confirm that the training wheels are removable?
Kirsti and Chris - commented over 7 years ago. Hi there, yes the training wheels can easily be removed/reinstalled.

Thank you!
Clive Goodger commented over 7 years ago. Can you confirm size? my daughter is tall for her age 106cm. would this bike be a suitable size for her? Also can yo advise what partial assembly is required? The link on the ad doesn't work.
Emma from GrabOne Store commented over 7 years ago. Hey Clive!
Just checking this out now for you :)
Kirsti and Chris - commented over 7 years ago. Hi Clive, Generally speaking, these bikes are suitable for children between 99-117cm. There are other factors involved in bike size, such as previous riding experience and confidence, as well as leg length. But at 106cm, it sounds like the ideal size for your daughter.
The assemble includes tightening the stem, bolting on the handle bars, installing the training wheels, and adjusting the brake pads and brake-cable tension, all of this can be accomplished with 9-15mm wrenches, or an adjustable wrench. The tyres may need some air too.
Thank you!

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