$149 for a Morena Pizza Oven with Free Shipping


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Cath Knapton commented over 7 years ago. Just wondering about the process. I gather you burn the wood to heat the oven then put the pizza in to cook it? Is this correct?
When you put the pizza in to cook does it go in on a tray or does it lie on the embers/ash that the fire made?
Gareth Prestige from Outdoor Online commented over 7 years ago. Hi Cath, correct. You will need to push the embers and ash to the back of the oven. You can place the pizza on the base of the oven, or in a pan, or on a stone
Melissa Gear commented over 7 years ago. Hi there, will you ship to Westport 7825? If so how much? Thanks
Kelly de Lambert commented over 7 years ago. Hi - can you tell me how wide the 'hole' in the front is...i.e. how big of a pizza or pizza stone could you fit I it?
Emma from GrabOne Store commented over 7 years ago. Morning Guys!
Thanks for your interest!
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cristina robinson commented over 7 years ago. Hi Could you be more precise about the extension of 'free metro shipping'?
Gareth Prestige from Outdoor Online commented over 7 years ago. Hi Melissa, delivery to Westport is included as long as your address isn't RD.
Gareth Prestige from Outdoor Online commented over 7 years ago. Hi Cristina, delivery is free to all towns and cities but not rural delivery addresses

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