$20 for One of the Five Potential New Zealand Flags


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John Christiansen commented over 8 years ago. I want to buy one of each, but the sight keeps selling me more & more Red Peak.
How do I buy the set?
Daniel Schimanski commented over 8 years ago. Laser Kiwi?
Emma from GrabOne Store commented over 8 years ago. Hey John!
We have added an option to buy one of each now in one go :)

Hey Kieran!
The delivery charge is set by the merchant and is dependant on their method and packaging for delivery :)
Shane Lin commented over 8 years ago. John, you may buy all 5 flags as a set now. The delivery cost of the whole set is still $5.
Kieran, try buying a set of 5 flags and we only charge the delivery fee at $1 per flag in this case.
Daniel, we only have the permission of printing these 5 flags at this moment. If you want to print any other flag and you have the copyright permission, please contact [email protected]
Warwick Bennett commented over 8 years ago. I only want (& can only afford) to buy one flag, but I'm not sure which of the two very similar designs (numbers 2 & 3) by Kyle Lockwood to choose. I would prefer to get whichever of the two is more popular, but don't know how to find out which that is -- any ideas?
Shane Lin commented over 8 years ago. Hi, Warwick, for your reference, the numbers we sold so far are
flag 1 - 32;
flag 2 - 22;
flag 3 - 28;
flag 4 - 4;
flag 5 - 1
Christeen Maunsell-Wade commented over 8 years ago. I want our original flag are you selling that
Shane Lin commented over 8 years ago. Christeen, please check our website for any other flags. cheers, Shane
Shane Lin commented over 8 years ago. Percentage of each flag sold so far (excluding "buy all" orders)
flag 1 - 32.8%
flag 2 - 28.6%
flag 3 - 34.6%
flag 4 - 3.4%
flag 5 - 0.8%

The discussion for this deal is closed. Please contact the helpdesk for any urgent enquiries.