From $69.99 for a Zycom Z Balance Bike, or $29.99 for a Fisher-Price Toddler Helmet


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Kerry Wilson commented over 7 years ago. Hi what is the tallest height that this bike is suitable for? My 3 year old son has a bmxie balance bike which was supposed to suit 2-5 years old but already it's too small for him and the seats on the highest setting. My son is a small to average height for his age.
Emma from GrabOne Store commented over 7 years ago. Hey Kerry!
Thanks for your interest!
Just checking this out now :)
Mark Parsons from commented over 7 years ago. Hi Kerry,

Mark here from Mozzi, thanks for the question.

The zBike has 3 different heights from the ground.


We have tried it on a smallish 3 year old here in the office and it fits great on the lowest setting.

Danae Johnston commented over 7 years ago. Hi Ya,
Are these tyres not air tyres?
Mark Parsons from commented over 7 years ago. Hi Danae,

These are TPR compound tyres. They work very similar to air tyres, but you dont need to worry about punctures :)
Emma from GrabOne Store commented over 7 years ago. Hey Christie,
We have updated that now just to clarify - it is $69.99 for the bike and $29.99 for the helmet. They are separate options :)

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